07 Feb February 2016
Wow, it’s February, we’ve had some much needed rain and the snowy mountains around us look amazing and inspirational. The new show looks fabulous hanging in the gallery. Have you seen the Featured Artists shows this year? We’ve already had two and there is only one more before the Multi Media Mini Show. I hope you all had a chance to see the Photography Show in Show which inspired a small group of young people to display their photographs.
The next few months are jam packed with classes and events so we’d better all start preparing ourselves. Check out the newsletter, calendar and Facebook for upcoming events and updates. Look out for Mail Chimp news blasts with the fine details.
I’ll be “popping” home across the pond for a few weeks for birthday celebrations, but I leave you all in the capable hands of our Vice President, Maggie Macro and the other Gallery Coordinators.
Happy making and creating and enjoy the wet days when they come…
Liz Coviello, RAA President