25 Oct Halloween Gathering
RAA Opening Reception, Halloween Gathering: “The Way We Were”
Friday October 28th, 7-9 PM
This month’s RAA Opening Reception falls on the Friday of Halloween weekend, and the title for this event is most fitting! Yes foolish mortals, we will enjoy the gorgeous show pieces in the gallery, spooky snacks, beverages, and good conversation! But in the true spirit of Halloween we also encourage you to join in a festive interpretation and come dressed-up as your favorite deceased artist from the past (other costumes are welcome too). Ooooh, who knows who you might see!
We look forward to seeing you Mr. Salvador Dali, Ms. Frida Kahlo, Mr. Andy Warhol — is that you? Dirt, dust, and decay is optional but a dreadfully delightful night at the RAA is a sure thing!
Many thanks!
Christine White, RAA Board Member