11 Aug RAA News August 2014
Expanded Email List Options
We’re pleased to announce that we’ve expanded our email mailing list options beyond our monthly newsletter! Stay up to date on the latest RAA youth and adult class information, upcoming events, calls for artists, film schedules and more! You’ll have control over what kinds of news you receive from us and the ability to update your preferences at any time. Join or update your profile today by clicking on this link or filling out the form on our website’s right sidebar.
Jillian O’Dwyer, Gallery Coordinator
AMOCA Tour Scheduled
We’re organizing a fun art experience for RAA members and supporters touring the American Museum of Ceramic Art and Pomona’s 2nd Saturday Art Walk. Admission is free, but dinner is not included.
Meet us at the American Museum of Ceramic Art (AMOCA) on September 13th at 3:00 pm for an educational docent tour and the opening reception of their newest exhibits. In the main gallery will be the work of Amado Pena and Rich Lopez and In the Vault will be the work of Rebekah Bogard. While at the museum, we’ll also take part in AMOCA’s celebration of Harrison Macintosh. AMOCA admission, docent tour and parking are free for our group.
Afterwards, we’ll walk a few blocks to the heart of Pomona’s Art District to visit the galleries open for 2nd Saturday Art Walk. Please RSVP to gallery@redlandsartassociation.org or by calling the gallery (909-792-8435) so we can get an accurate count for the docent tour.
AMOCA is located at 399 N. Garey Ave, Pomona, CA. We encourage carpooling from the gallery.
Jillian O’Dwyer, Gallery Coordinator
Adult Classes Coming in September
Now that the lazy summer is almost over, get ready for Fall classes coming up in September:
- Soft Pastels with Patricia Rose Ford.
- Fancy Flatware & Jazzy Jewelry made with “found objects” with Richard Freund.
- Oil Painting with Chick Curtis.
- Artist’s Way with Judith Sparhawk.
- Watercolor with Ed Sotello.
- Weaving with Evelyn Ifft.
Please check the Education tab on the website or the flyers in the gallery to learn specifics. OCTOBER brings something new! Be watching.
Tomi Olson, Adult Education Coordinator
New Vertical Garden in the RAA Patio
The Vertical Garden is installed! Be sure to check out the purple wall now that it is complete. A member of RAA, Carol Pancner contributed the hardware and plants as well as her expertise as a master gardener.
All the plants are succulents planted in the rain gutters. Francis Wiley and Larry Harvill mounted the gutters on the wall. Carol will help us maintain the plants and teach us how to care for them. Susan LaDean Evans has volunteered to look after them as Carol recommends. The plants are drought tolerant, frost hardy and beautiful.
We hope they like their new home. How does everyone like RAA’s new look???
Project coordinator: Evelyn Ifft