15 Jun RAA News June/July 2015
No July Newsletter
As always, there will be no July newsletter. Any new information will continue to be posted on the website. Therefore, the next newsletter deadline will be Thursday, August 6. The easiest way to submit something for publication is the form found here on our website.
Thanks, and I hope you find lots of time to make art this summer!
Candy Glendening, Website Design
How to Market Your Art
In preparation for the upcoming Fall Art Show season, the RAA is hosting an afternoon workshop for all artists.
We as artists are notoriously bad at promoting ourselves. I know from experience, I hear and hang onto negative comments about my work, rather than bathing in the positive words of encouragement from fellow artists, friends and customers. We have to build a clientele and it’s hard work for new and established artists. We have to find people who like our art and are prepared to “bite” and buy it, and it doesn’t always happen the first few times we dip our toes into this pond.
In this workshop we intend to cover some of the following areas: marketing, social and digital media, which can be confusing at times, photographing work for submission to shows or on line market places, preparing a newspaper submission or writing a brief artist statement and don’t forget the business cards.
It will be a nominal fee, date and speakers to be announced.
Liz Coviello, President
Volunteers Needed:
We need one volunteer for each of these two positions:
- Housekeeper – 4 hours work per show.
- Historian
If you are interested in either of these positions then please contact one of the Gallery Coordinators.
Many thanks,
Liz Coviello, President
Artist’s First Friday Reception – Summertime
The first reception will be held on Friday June 26th from 5-6.30pm in the RAA Gallery, 215, State Street.
I know there are Featured Artist Receptions, but how often do the rest of us, race down to the gallery and look at the new exhibit, and pat ourselves on the back for such good work? So, take the opportunity, bring friends and family down to see your work and that of fellow artist. Its your turn to brag and be applauded! The POS will be open for sales. Please bring a few “nibbles” for the table and we will supply some soft drinks and napkins.
Look forward to seeing you all there,
Liz Coviello, President
Rosemary Rendell Baker – A Bonnie Scottish Lass
A dear friend, 30 year member and patron of MCAEEF (Margaret Clark Art Education Enrichment Fund) and the Redlands Art Association passed away on May 12, 2015 at the age of 95.
I first met Rosemary shortly after moving to Redlands in 1985 in fact, she was the volunteer on duty that day at the RAA gallery at it’s former location, (I believe on Citrus) She was enthusiastic and effervescent as she regaled my daughter Bronwyn and I of all the benefits of becoming a member and living in Redlands.
I did not join then but ten years later I did and became a member of the MCAEEF committee meeting Rosemary again who was serving as the treasurer of MCAEEF with the same enthusiasm and effervescence as when we first met.
Over the years she was very active in volunteering and supporting RAA and all the fundraising projects that MCAEEF sponsored especially the Cinema Classic Film series. She was a strong supporter of art education and expressed that support by giving generously of her time and considerable monetary donations.
Over the years we spent many joyful times together just sharing, singing sometimes (she loved to sing and dance) and I loved listening to her anecdotes of her many travels around the world, her life growing up in Scotland, her husband, and her family.
One of her most memorable statements was when I interviewed her a few years ago for the video ‘ART IS COOL’ (on the RAA website under movies) where she stated her enjoyment of being part of the RAA “… I walked into the gallery and Margaret Clark was sitting there and asked if I would like to join I said I am no artist and she said there were other volunteer jobs that I could do.. so I joined and worked on the newsletter, took turns sitting at the Gallery, attending classes on Saturdays where nobody said – “that’s awful” they were always encouraging. I have got a lot from my association with the RAA – I have enjoyed the atmosphere of the association, the get togethers.. I had to stop volunteering because of my husband’s illness but I feel very comfortable going into the gallery – I still feel it’s my home”.
You will always have a home with us Rosemary and thank you for your gift of $10,000 which will help us to continue to provide art education.
Rest in Peace my friend.
Annette Weis, co-ordinator Redlands Cinema Classic
Smiley Arts Attack Show
Once again the children of Smiley Elementary School have shown their amazing talents to the community. The annual Smiley Arts Attack Show was on display May 21st. The Arts Attack Program has been a great success for 10 years at Smiley. The program is enthusiastically supported by the Smiley PTA, Teachers, and financially through the Margaret Clark Art Education Endowment Fund. (MCAEEF)
“Art is not just for artists,” Margaret Clark once said. “Success in art gives a child greater self-esteem. Then he can learn better”
Suzanne Burke, Education Committee
Annual Pot Luck
Our Annual Member’s meeting/pot luck dinner was held on Wednesday, June third, and a great time was had by all. Many of the committee chairs gave a short report, and the new members of the Board and Operating Committee were announced (see the whole list here).
Our new president, Liz Coviello, gave us a preview of some exciting new ideas she has for us. And as always, we ate lots of delicious food provided for us by us! Sparhawk took a few pictures of the festivities:
Candy Glendening, Website Design