17 Sep September 2015
Welcome Friends of RAA. It’s the beginning of September and I’m sitting at the kitchen table with the back door open! Fresh air is circulating round the house; what a
welcome relief to the summer heat we’ve all been experiencing and gives me head space to think about Fall! It’s going to be a busy Holiday Season in the RAA Gallery.
Firstly and most importantly is the message from Larry Harvill, Chairman of the Board of Directors, about discontinuation of the use of the word “member”. We are now officially “Friends of RAA”.
In preparation for Fall, it’s nice to have a bit of a Spring Clean! Bruce Herwig is coordinating the First Ever RAA “Supply Swap” Saturday, October 3 in the East Gallery. (See page 5) Thanks Bruce.
Back in July I was saddened to see major retailers start the “Holiday Season” when it was over 100°F, firstly bringing in Halloween decorations and as I blinked Christmas decorations were for sale alongside them. We may think it’s way too early to think about the Holiday Season, but we cannot deny it’s the busiest shopping season of the year and one that brings in the most money to all retail businesses, including ourselves. So, we too at the RAA have to think about the Holiday Season and plan ahead, even if it’s only the beginning of September!
But, I am excited to tell you all, the Operating Committee has approved several new opportunities for artists to sell additional work in the gallery,
on Market Night and Sunday mornings (see articles in the newsletter); plus there is Art on State Street on October 25.
This year we are going to have a huge Christmas Tree Celebration, kicking off with our own Christmas Tree take-in, followed by a free Christmas Decoration swap, open to the Community and Friends of RAA, plus a Community and Friends of the RAA Christmas Decorations Show-Within- A-Show the week of Thanksgiving (See pages 5 & 6). All of these events need “YOU” the Friends of RAA to give additional volunteer hours to make this Holiday Season our most successful one ever!
I am looking for one or two people who would help coordinate theChristmas Tree and Christmas Decoration Events.
For the first time in a few years the RAA will be offering Christmas Gift wrapping through December for gifts bought in the Gallery.
The new Fall Cinema Classic Series starts on September 22. Thanks to Annette Weis for organizing it.
If you have any questions or can help in any way, please either contact me directly through president@redlandsartassociation.org or ring the Gallery and speak to a Gallery Coordinator.
Happy making everyone! We have just three Take-Ins left before the Holiday Season is really with us! That’s it — out of breath!
— Liz Coviello, President