26 Aug LeBlanc & Willason 10/8 – 28
Opening reception October 8th from 2 – 4 pm.
The English mother-daughter duo of Sheila LeBlanc and Linda Willason will be the featured artists on Saturday, October 8th and will having a reception from 2pm to 4pm. Both have been inspired by their love of England and equally, their love for Redlands. The show runs from Oct. 8th to Oct. 28th.
Sheila LeBlanc has been an artist for over 40 years. She paints in oils and watercolors and is mostly inspired to paint landscapes. She has had numerous “one-woman” shows among her accomplishments across many countries. Sheila has also been juried into many art shows including multiple entries into Redlands Art Association’s “Mini-Show”. She has won numerous awards over her long artistic career. While in Panama, she became well known for her sea-shell watercolors. These are currently owned by people all over the world.
Having studied with a variety of well known artists, Sheila is currently painting with Chick Curtis. Her favored painting partner is now her eldest daughter, Linda.
Linda, having grown up around her mother’s art, has developed a love for art in general. Much to her surprise and the delight of Sheila, she started to paint about 4 years ago. It happened quite by accident. Linda accepted a ticket from a friend to a painting event. She learned the basics of pastels and instantly fell in love with the medium. At that point, she was full speed ahead! Taking classes with Anneli Pendley and Patricia Rose Ford, Linda has progressed and really enjoys exploring different subject matters. She creates landscapes, flowers, animals and scenes of Redlands with her pastels.
Linda and Sheila’s vacations together now consist of finding new scenes to capture and places to paint. Finding beauty always inspires new artwork!
Linda Willason