President's Message

Adult, teen and children's classes are in full swing and our newest member show, "Cityscapes", is on display. A listing of all classes is available on our website, under Education and more detail is available on flyers in the gallery. Sheila Hansberger, noted watercolorist, will be...

With weather like this, who would believe that Redlands' schools are back in session and RAA's Fall schedule of classes, workshops, programs and events are about to be published. Your operating committee has been busy working all summer to bring this about. Our newest members are...

Hi everyone, Our year ended with the annual pot luck dinner on June 6. We thanked our volunteers for their untiring efforts and installed our officers and committee heads for this coming year. There was a big turn-out and the food was spectacular, as usual. Reports...

Hi everyone, It saddens us because we lost our beloved friend, Joan Wiley. Joan had been involved in the art association for many, many years and was one of the first people I met there. It seemed as though Joan was always there, doing everything that...

What a beautiful Spring we are having! And we have a beautiful and colorful show on the walls in the gallery - the Floral themed show. The Redlands Horticultural Society Flower show is scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, April 21 and 22. We are expecting a...

Spring is just around the corner and brings many fun events to RAA. Here are some important dates to remember plus one change; the take-in date for April. March 23 - Take-In: Theme is "Flower Power" April 14/15 - Flower show weekend: Open house at RAA Thursday, April...

Members and Friends: Our only juried show, the 43rd Annual Multi-Media Mini Show is scheduled to open on March 2 and will be displayed through March 21. This fun show features works no larger than 14 1/2" by 14 1/2" and all California artists are...

Best Wishes to all of you for a wonderful and productive 2012. There have been quite a few changes at RAA throughout the past year and I would like to personally thank each and every member for the support and patience shown to those of us...

Have a Merry Holiday Season and a Happy New Year! Membership renewals are due January 1st and we are trying to make renewal easier for you and smoother on take-in day. If you wish, try our new renewal on-line feature. At our website choose 'Members' tab,...

There are a few important things that you should know about upcoming events at the gallery: Christmas Tree Ornament Take-in is Friday, November 18 between the hours of 10 and 5. Our Christmas tree will be up and ready to receive your miniature works of art. Art...