President's Message

After an exceedingly chilly February in Britain, adored with masses of daffodils, snowdrops and other spring flowers, I’m back and my feet have finally thawed! Spring is definitely in the air in Redlands, and in the last few hot days the flowers have gone wild...

It appears that spring is on its way leaving some of us wondering where winter went and the rain we were promised. Nevertheless it is an inspiring time of year. What wonderful blossoms are appearing on the trees. Certainly time to get creative along with...

Wow, it’s February, we’ve had some much needed rain and the snowy mountains around us look amazing and inspirational. The new show looks fabulous hanging in the gallery. Have you seen the Featured Artists shows this year? We’ve already had two and there is only...

Thank you all for making the RAA Gallery a fabulous place to shop for presents this holiday season. The gallery was full to bursting with our two Featured Artist Shows and everyone’s work. It took some juggling but the Hanging Crew did an amazing job...

Like all of you I feel stunned by last week’s events and the revelations which are coming to light. Personally, I’ve found the media coverage overwhelming. I hope something good come out of this tragedy. As artists I think we find solace in our art....

I love textiles to play and create with - they speak to me, yes, I'm one of those women who strokes fabrics in shops! My raggy throws and wall hangings are supposed to be fun and used. I find vintage linen and lace irresistible, but I can't...

Wow, it’s already the first week of October! We only have two regular “Take-ins” left before the end of the year. Plus, we have Art on State Street in conjunction with the Downtown Redlands Art Walk on Sunday 25th October between noon and 6pm. It’s...

Welcome Friends of RAA. It’s the beginning of September and I’m sitting at the kitchen table with the back door open! Fresh air is circulating round the house; what a welcome relief to the summer heat we’ve all been experiencing and gives me head space to think...

Wow, what a summer we are having…torrential rain with thunder and lightning for the first time I can remember in July, street closures around Redlands continue to challenge all of us; with the closure of State Street for the first week of the 3rd Summer...

Welcome everyone to our new year at the Redlands Art Association. It’s the time of year when positions on the Operating Committee are filled by some new members, and others are pleased to continue. I would like to thank Gail Brownfield and Tony Radcliffe for their...