15 Mar March 2017
I always think January and February are quiet months but once again I’ve been proven wrong. There’s been a buzz in the gallery over the last few weeks about the 48th Multi Media Mini Show. Everyone has been talking about what they are creating and rushing home to continue on their works in progress. By the time this reaches your mailboxes, the MMM Show’s 150 pieces of art of 14.5 inches or less, will have been installed, the winners decided and preparations for the opening reception on Friday 10th March from 5-7pm and award ceremony on Sunday 12th March made. Many thanks to Sandy Davies, who organizes the show, her dedicated team of volunteers who make the show possible and to everyone who submits art because without them there would be no show! And our Jurist, Penny McElroy, from the University of Redlands.
After an amazingly wet, more English style winter we are being teased with Spring weather. Carpets of flowers are in bloom in the canyons around us – an inspiration for the “Blooming Lovely” theme which follows the Mini Show into the gallery on Friday 31st March and coincides with the Garden Tour on the 22nd & 23rd April. I wish I could paint or had time to explore and take photos this year.
Many Thanks, Liz Coviello, RAA President