President’s Message

We are rapidly approaching a major milestone in our history.  May 11, 2014 will mark fifty years since we obtained received our certification as a California non profit corporation.  It was not until 1985 that we obtained our 501(c)3 status from the IRS.  At the next meeting of the Board of Directors I will be requesting that we designate the year from May 1, 2014 thru May 1, 2015 as our fiftieth anniversary year of celebration.  Already Liz Covello and Annette Weis are developing a couple of ideas to help in marking the year.  The month long one person show featuring Ray Swanson in January of 2015 is also a special event marking this year as Ray was a member in 1964 and we have a photograph from the Daily Facts of Ray and Ben Rabe, our first President, celebrating the official formation as a corporation.

As a closing note let me inform you that our annual fund solicitation letters will have been mailed by the time you receive this newsletter.  As with most non profit organizations we have to solicit support from not only our membership but a variety of friends and organizations.  In all about 730 letters were mailed.  It is our hope that this will be accomplished in early to mid November each year in contrast to its having been mailed at the end of December in past years and created some conflict with the annual membership renewal effort that occurred at the same time.

Larry Harvill,

Chairman of the Board