Featured Artists

Reception Sunday February 14th from 3-5pm Janis Commentz is a southern California native who grew up near the coast and began to draw and paint early in life. As an artist’s daughter, she was surrounded by art materials and enjoyed trips to galleries and museums, as...

Kelley Havens Featured Artist Show dates: January 4-23 Kelley Havens is the featured artist this month.  She is self-taught,pushing outside the box of traditional methods.  She will often incorporate found objects into her work, gathered on hikes and nature trips.  Her fondness for nature and its varied...

Reception:  Sunday 12/6 2-4 Clayre's first involvement with art was at Marymount College in New York City in the 1950's when she took an art course to fill out required credits.  Unfortunately, the "involvement" was quite intermittent, sandwiched in among a marriage, raising children and eventual...

Show: December 5th – Jan 2nd Reception: December 13th, from 2 - 4p.m.   Adeola Davies-Aiyeloja “ADA” is an award winning multi-media artist who began her painting at an early age. She is mostly self-taught and credited her consistency and endurance in her ability to create joy, love,...

I love textiles to play and create with - they speak to me, yes, I'm one of those women who strokes fabrics in shops! My raggy throws and wall hangings are supposed to be fun and used. I find vintage linen and lace irresistible, but I can't...

As an incorrigible world traveler, I am drawn to vibrant vistas and colorful cultures. Photographing these scenes and people has become a natural extension of my fascination with worlds different from my own. My work as a freelance writer involves describing what I experience in words,...

Printmaker, Watercolorist, California Artist, and Redlands Treasured Artist [caption id="attachment_2092" align="aligncenter" width="262"] Fred & Janet at her booksigning[/caption] Janet Edwards is a California artist whose work reflects her love of the natural beauty of California, though beautiful scenes from traveling to other places are also depicted in her...

Artist for the month of August at Redlands Art Association is Edward Sotello. The dates for the show are August l through August 23, 2015. Reception will be 2 to 4 PM, Sunday, August 2, 2015. On display will be watercolors, oils, acrylics and ceramics. Mr Sotello is a...

This show will include works from featured artist, Mary Grinyer’s past and current works. Grinyer began creating watercolors at Ramona High School in Riverside, CA and has continued to create and study art. Watercolors, photography, printmaking, ceramics, assemblage, jewelry, and now lapidary arts and sculpture...

Dates of show:  June 20 to July 11, 2015 The Wild Warped Weavers will be in the featured artist corner at Redlands Art Association from June 20 until July 11.  The opening reception is on Saturday, June 20, 3 to 5 PM, with refreshments.  The public...