Program Speakers

RAA hosts guest artist speakers every 4th Tuesday of each month September—May from 7-9pm. The public is welcome—free of charge.

We’re looking for new Presenters for the next series.

Please call us at 909-792-8435 with your suggestions! Thank you.

PROGRAM  Tues, April 26.  7 – 9 pm. RAA Gallery at 215 E. State St, downtown. No charge, public welcome. Art in Public Places: "Interiorem Pulchritudinem" (Latin for Inner Beauty). Installed on the corner of Vine & Cajon Streets, Civic Center side. CONVERSATION WITH DENNIS CHRISTENSEN, one...

"A PAINTERLY APPROACH TO LANDSCAPE” Tuesday, Feb. 22   7 PM   Gallery & Art Center, 215 E. State St., downtown, Redlands Public welcome – no charge Jeannine will demonstrate/lecture on a painterly approach to landscape  from start to finish, and the use of the palette knife. Says Jeannine, "I am...

Redlands Art Association presents Programs on the 4th Tuesday of the months September through May, from 7-9 pm. These Programs may be a lecture, a painting demonstration, a power-point show, or a hands-on experience for the audience. We decided against a September program due to the...

Our usual Programs - September through May - have been derailed by the Corona Virus pandemic but we're BACK! Larry Dierdorff will be telling us about the murals around Redlands in October and Monica Foulston will be demonstrating her ink in acrylic painting technique in...

RAA presented some wonderful and informative programs this last year. We hope the Programs start again in the Spring 2021. Send your program topic suggestions to Helen Leason, Program Coordinator, via the RAA email. Email at Thank you all for attending our Programs!...

Tips and Tricks for Budding Photographers Presented by Bruce Herwig Tuesday May 28 th 7.00-9.00 pm New to photography or ready to take your photography to the next level? Local photographer and photo enthusiast Bruce Herwig will be sharing his journey and some of his favorite tips and...

April Program with Marilyn Frogatt: "Early California Impressionists" Tuesday April 23rd 7-9 pm This presentation will describe the start of the California Impressionist movement in the late 1800's through the 1920's, also know as En Plein Air Painting. Examples of the work of various artists such as...